Browse Items (1098 total) Miramichee Postcard - Have a Drink - Natural Spring (Front).tiff
Postcard likely depicts a natural spring at Camp Miramichee. Miramichee Postcard - Girls Vacation Camp (Front).tiff
Appears to have text that has been erased. Miramichee Postcard - Girls on Footbridge (Front).tiff
Appears to have text that has been erased.

1918 Charles D Frierson Sr.jpg
Used in Exhibit: The Founding of Kia Kima


1935 Welcome Neophyte.jpg
Another Tenderfoot Faces Fire"Welcome, neophyte!" The words sound out over the council fire at Kamp Kia Kima as Chief Gordon Sprott, in full regalia, welcomes a tenderfoot on his first stay at the Eagles Nest.
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